whoa! he totally would....this is great. should really give his hair that mean swoop though!
whoa! he totally would....this is great. should really give his hair that mean swoop though!
haha, I like to re-imagine the character a bit. Thanks Poison.
dude, feets is all about the bones man. same with hands....they ain't shaped like shovels, mittens, rockets, and cheese wedges, no matter what.
lol thanks Poisen :)
lovin' the feet dood
Looks like he is wearing old people slippers ha ha
slightly terrifying!
I regret nothing.
dude, it's so obvious that your understanding of shape and form are taking you leagues! the difference between this page and the first is pretty noticeable. not to mention that the writing is good, albeit subjective....then again, what isn't anymore?
It is subjective, because I'm mostly entertaining myself with these. I don't really take any audience into consideration.
awesome, shows good class. i can definitely connect here.
the idea came to me reading a bunch of stuff on my newsfeed about how great the 90's were.
are you working your way thru the first 150.....and 1? RockBullet was trying to do that, but I don't know if he ever finished his set....I would buy this as a T-shirt if it was all 150...and 1.
Slowly making my way through all of them ha ha.
heheh, looks like elton john
I need somebody.
Dragon's frying my body.
Fucking reflex saves!
......heyyy, waitasecond. that spells a bad word.....shame!
no srsly....awesome ekans. i like his look of surprise!
This one is one of my favourites as well ha ha.
i don't get it....is she screaming, holding her hands behind her back like when you do the chicken-dance with legs out, yelling at someone about something? is that why "run away"? or is she flying....i se coulds....oh well, i really like this one, regardless!
its a multi-faceted position that help in some of the times lol
"A bad dream, so mean, rockin' me down like a slot machine,"
Age 35, Male
Earth Inhabitant
yo momma's house
Convincingly Human
Joined on 5/31/12